Delphi xe10 ver250
Delphi xe10 ver250

The ESP32-CAM has the standard example app VideoStream loaded. I'm a delphi programmer but couldn't figure this one out. MsWord := CreateOleObject('Word. Delphi XE10.3 - I need a sample FMX program that can view the MJPEG stream from the ESP32-CAM. procedure TForm1.CreateTable(Rows, Columns : Integer) If you comment out the firstĬall instead, you'll find that in terms of the alignment of the cells, it is superflous. Remaining cells reverts to what it was prior to the creating of the table. When you click the button, a message box asking if you want to exit the application appears. You will notice that only the first cell gets that alignment. Directly enter without entering a password. Once installed, run paserver.exe on the target machine. C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\PAServer\setuppaserver.exe.(delphi) 2. If you comment out the second call to := wdAlignParagraphJustify The target machine installation paserver. May not be what you expect, and so operating on it can produce unexpected/undesired results. This is to illustrate a potential problem with using MSWord.Selection, namely that the Selection One immediately after the table is created, and another one inside the for loop which sets up the table'sĬells. Notice that it has two calls to := wdAlignParagraphJustify,

Delphi xe10 ver250 code#

The following code illustrates a way of creating a new Word document, insertingĪ table into it, and then specifying the alignment of the cells.

Delphi xe10 ver250